Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Highway Man

Life is journey. It has many twists and turns. One has to face problems as well as search for happiness and peace. Many a times things appear to us when least expected. This is what makes us more ready to take new challenges head on. If everything is known before then it would be difficult to enjoy what life offers to its fullest. We would almost lead a mechanical life, tuning ourselves to what is to come.

There are people who believe in destiny and luck. I, for one am not one of these. However, I believe strongly in a guiding force who helps me and you in becoming what we are and what we would. The environment we are placed in influences us a lot in what we become. Our perspectives become what is taught to us and what we become.

My life has and is shaping up wonderfully well. Nice parents, nice friends and a nice comfortable world, there is nothing to take away. A hug or a thank you or a sorry from a friend assures me that I have been able to influence people’s lives and their thinking. Atleast there is some use of me!

As I stated above, life is a journey. You have to be aware of what is happening to overcome problems and to live the life you want. You have to take diversions, avoid bad patches, take twists and bends as they appear until finally you reach your destination. Precisely for this reason, I call myself “The Highway Man”. I guess it also applies to you too.

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