Sunday, May 27, 2007

The day I threw water on a girl

This is incident happened in the cafeteria where I am working. Well, I just had joined my project and was having lunch with my friends. I finished my lunch earlier than them and while they were at it, I waited for them to finish their lunch. I held a glass of (what else) water in my hand.

As I was waiting, I saw this girl from my office (she had given me training) coming and I sat leaning back on the chair with my legs crossed looking at her. And then suddenly it happened. For some reason I started getting a feeling that I was sinking. And yes, it was happening. The right back leg of the chair started going down. The chair was going down , I was trying to get up, the chair was going down, I was trying to get up... And it continued till I was down on the floor with a very awkard posture. More than the fact that I had gone down, I was more concerned with my embarassment. You don't see people going down like that always, and believe me you won't like it happening to you. My friends saw me going down (slowly of course- maybe they were shocked to help me immediately) and rushed to pick me up from the floor (sorry chair). The entire cafeteria was abuzz (with some having their on their theories).

After all these happened, I started hearing some girl saying "Shit", "Shit". Now in all these confusion I didnot know I had thrown the water from my glass on her ( I was struggling for balance you see). That was the height. Falling down and then turning around to find a girl irritated. Luckily for me, she turned out to be quite nice and politely asked me what had happend (as if I knew what happened) and just smiled at me. That saved the day.

I told my friends that it was better they finshed their lunch while I waited outside...better for me.

Another adventure in Hyderabad.


Words123434 said...

I wish I was thre... cnt stop myself from laughing on dat...
Good work sir u helped me imagine the situation well...:D

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Buddy you never told me this...
Recently something happened on same lines. There was this chair but unfortunately no water in his hand else the girl would have been our Team Lead. MR.Chacko, seems like you are developing this dirty habit of falling down from chair or shall i say damaging the chair in recent years. ;)